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信息来源: 暂无 发布日期: 2014-11-14 浏览次数:





20099-至今福州大学化学学院徐艺军教授课题组  攻读博士学位

20059-20097东华理工大学  学士学位




自入学以来,在导师徐艺军教授的悉心指导和用心培养下,努力提高对于学术问题的认识和独立开展科研工作的能力,目前已经取得了一定的科研成果,已在Chemical Society Reviews, ACS Nano, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Catalysis, Chemical Science, Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Journal of Physical Chemistry CJournal of Materials Chemistry等国内外高水平学术期刊上发表研究论文38篇,其中SCI收录37篇,总累计影响因子大于245,包括15篇第一作者论文(14篇为SCI收录,累计影响因子为111.7Google学术搜索即时统计总引用次数为1118次,其中7篇论文入选Essential Science Indicators [ESI, 基本科学指标]Highly cited papers,被引用次数Top 1%的文章,总引用次数过百的论文共计51篇发表在国内核心期刊《中国科学-化学》上),23篇作为合作作者发表的研究论文(SCI收录23篇)。

2014年作为第一作者在英国皇家化学会顶级旗舰期刊Chemical Society Reviews(影响因子为30.4)上发表的研究论文(Nanochemistry-Derived Bi2WO6Nanostructures: Towards Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels Production Induced by Visible Light. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014,43, 5276-5287), 是福州大学首篇在该国际顶级期刊杂志上以福州大学作为第一通讯联系单位发表的重要能源光催化材料的研究前沿论文,且该论文被编辑部选为“Inside Front Cover”发表。

2014年作为第一作者发表在美国化学会旗舰期刊ACS Nano (影响因子为12.0)上的研究论文(Toward Improving the Graphene-Semiconductor Composite Photoactivity via the Addition of Metal Ions as Generic Interfacial Mediator. ACS Nano 2014, 8, 623-633)已入选Essential Science Indicators ESI,基本科学指标)的热点论文(最近两个月被引用次数为化学领域的Top 0.1%)。

2012年作为第一作者发表在英国皇家化学会期刊Nanoscale (影响因子为6.739)上的2篇综述论文(Recent Progress on Graphene-Based Photocatalysts: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 5792-5813; Recent Progress on Metal Core@Semiconductor Shell Nanocomposites as a Promising Type of Photocatalyst, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 2227-2238),入选该杂志2012年度“Top 25 Most-Read Articles,发表至今仍保持着非常高的关注度,截止到目前,据Google学术搜索统计数据显示,以上两篇论文的总引用次数分别达到245次和117。同年在美国化学会专业期刊Journal of Physical Chemistry C (影响因子为4.835)上发表的关于石墨烯-半导体复合光催化剂的研究论文(Constructing Ternary CdS–Graphene–TiO2 Hybrids on the Flatland of Graphene Oxide with Enhanced Visible Light Photoactivity for Selective Transformation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 18023-18031)被编辑部选为Cover Article”发表,至今总引用次数为1002011年发表在美国化学会专业期刊Journal of Physical Chemistry C (响因子为4.835)上的研究论文J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 9136-9145J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 23501-23511也得到了同行的高度关注,目前总引用次数分别为175次和131



1.     Nan Zhang, Rosaria Ciriminna, Mario Pagliaro*, Yi-Jun Xu*, Nanochemistry-Derived Bi2WO6Nanostructures: Towards Sustainable Chemicals and Fuels Production Induced by Visible Light, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43, 5276-5287. (IF: 30.425) (Inside Front Cover) (总引用13)

2.     Nan Zhang, Min-Quan Yang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Toward Improving the Graphene-Semiconductor Composite Photoactivity via the Addition of Metal Ions as Generic Interfacial Mediator, ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 623-633. (IF: 12.033) (总引用49)

3.     Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Aggregation- and Leaching-Resistant, Reusable, and Multifunctional Pd@CeO2 as a Robust Nanocatalyst Achieved by a Hollow Core-Shell Strategy, Chem. Mater., 2013, 25, 1979-1988. (IF: 8.535) (总引用37)

4.      Nan Zhang, Yanhui Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Recent Progress on Graphene-Based Photocatalysts: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 5792-5813. (IF: 6.739) (总引用245)

5.     Nan Zhang, Siqi Liu, Yi-Jun Xu*, Recent Progress on Metal Core@Semiconductor Shell Nanocomposites as a Promising Type of Photocatalyst, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 2227-2238. (IF: 6.739) (总引用117)

6.     Nan Zhang, Yanhui Zhang, Min-Quan Yang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Critical and Benchmark Comparison on Graphene-, Carbon Nanotube-, and Fullerene-Semiconductor Nanocomposite as Visible Light Photocatalyst for Selective Oxidation, J. Catal., 2013, 299, 210-221. (IF: 6.073) (总引用57)

7.      Nan Zhang, Min-Quan Yang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, CdS–Graphene Nanocomposites as Visible Light Photocatalyst for Redox Reactions in Water: A Green Route for Selective Transformation and Environmental Remediation, J. Catal., 2013, 303, 60-69. (IF: 6.073) (总引用34)

8.      Nan Zhang, Siqi Liu, Xianzhi Fu, Yi-Jun Xu*, Synthesis of M@TiO2(M = Au, Pd, Pt) Core–Shell Nanocomposites with Tunable Photoreactivity, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 9136-9145.(IF: 4.835) (总引用175)

9.     Nan Zhang, Yanhui Zhang, Xiaoyang Pan, Xianzhi Fu, Siqi Liu, Yi-Jun Xu*, Assembly of CdS Nanoparticles on the Two-Dimensional Graphene Scaffold as Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalyst for Selective Organic Transformation under Ambient Conditions, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 23501-23511. (IF: 4.835) (总引用131)

10. Nan Zhang, Yanhui Zhang, Xiaoyang Pan, Min-Quan Yang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Constructing Ternary CdS–Graphene–TiO2 Hybrids on the Flatland of Graphene Oxide with Enhanced Visible Light Photoactivity for Selective Transformation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 18023-18031. (IF: 4.835) (Front Cover) (总引用100)

11. Nan Zhang, Xianzhi Fu, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Facile and Green Approach to Synthesize Pt@CeO2Nanocomposite with Tunable Core-Shell and Yolk-Shell Structure and Its Application as a Visible Light Photocatalyst, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 8152-8158. (IF: 6.626) (总引用71)

12. Nan Zhang, Siqi Liu, Xianzhi Fu, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Simple Strategy for Fabrication of “Plum-Pudding” Type Pd@CeO2 Semiconductor Nanocomposite as a Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalyst for Selective Oxidation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 22901-22909. (IF: 4.835) (总引用44)

13. Nan Zhang, Siqi Liu, Xianzhi Fu, Yi-Jun Xu*, Fabrication of Coenocytic Pd@CdS Nanocomposite as a Visible Light Photocatalyst for Selective Transformation under Mild Conditions, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 5042-5042. (IF: 6.626) (总引用41)

14. Nan Zhang, Yanhui Zhang, Min-Quan Yang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Progress on Graphene-Based Composite Photocatalysts for Selective Organic Synthesis, Curr. Org. Chem., 2013, 13, 2503-2515. (IF: 2.537) (总引用3)

15. 张楠, 张燕辉, 潘晓阳, 付贤智, 徐艺军*, 光催化选择性氧化还原体系在有机合成中的研究进展, 中国科学B: 化学, 41(7), 1097-1111, 2011.(总引用1)

16. Min-Quan Yang, Nan Zhang, Mario Pagliaro*, Yi-Jun Xu*, Artificial Photosynthesis over Graphene-Semiconductor Composites. Are We Getting Better? Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c4cs00213j. (IF: 30.425) (Front Cover)

17. Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Graphene Transforms Wide Band Gap ZnS to a Visible Light Photocatalyst. The New Role of Graphene as a Macromolecular Photosensitizer, ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 9777-9789. (IF: 12.033) (总引用141)

18. Chuang Han, Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Juan Carlos Colmenares*, Yi-Jun Xu*, Hierarchically CdS Decorated 1D ZnO Nanorods-2D Graphene Hybrids: Low Temperature Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201402443. (IF: 10.439)

19. Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Identification of Bi2WO6 as a Highly Selective Visible-Light Photocatalyst toward Oxidation of Glycerol to Dihydroxyacetone in Water, Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 1820-1824. (IF: 8.601) (总引用42)

20. Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Transforming CdS to an Efficient Visible Light Photocatalyst for Selective Oxidation of Saturated Primary C-H Bonds under Ambient Conditions, Chem. Sci., 2012, 3, 2812-2822. (IF: 8.601) (总引用49)

21. Min-Quan Yang, Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Visible-Light-Driven Oxidation of Primary C-H Bonds over CdS with Dual Co-catalysts Graphene and TiO2, Sci. Rep., 2013, 3, 3314. (IF: 5.078) (总引用10)

22.  Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Improving the Photocatalytic Performance of Graphene-TiO2 Nanocomposite viaa Combined Strategy of Decreasing Defects of Graphene and Increasing Interfacial Contact, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 9167-9175. (IF: 4.198) (总引用100)

23. Bo Weng, Siqi Liu, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Simple yet Efficient Visible-Light-Driven CdS Nanowires-Carbon Nanotube 1D–1D Nanocomposite Photocatalyst, J. Catal., 2014, 309, 146-155. (IF: 6.073) (总引用16)

24. Xiaoyang Pan, Min-Quan Yang, Xianzhi Fu, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Defective TiO2 with Oxygen Vacancies: Synthesis, Properties and Photocatalytic Applications, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 3601-3614. (IF: 6.739) (总引用79)

25. Chuang Han, Min-Quan Yang, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Enhancing the Visible Light Photocatalytic Performance of Ternary CdS-(Graphene-Pd) Nanocomposites via a Facile Interfacial Mediator and Co-catalyst Strategy, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c4ta04151h. (Front Cover)

26. Bo Weng, Min-Quan Yang, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Toward the Enhanced Photoactivity and Photostability of ZnO Nanospheres viaIntimate Surface Coating with Reduced Graphene Oxide, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 9380-9389. (总引用5)

27.  Min-Quan Yang, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Synthesis of Fullerene–, Carbon Nanotube– and Graphene–TiO2 Nanocomposite Photocatalysts for Selective Oxidation: A Comparative Study, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 1156-1164. (IF: 5.9) (总引用52)

28.  Siqi Liu, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Synthesis of One-Dimensional CdS@TiO2 Core–Shell Nanocomposites Photocatalyst for Selective Redox: The Dual Role of TiO2 Shell, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 6378-6385. (IF: 5.9) (总引用45)

29.  Siqi Liu, Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, An Efficient Self-Assembly of CdS Nanowires–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Selective Reduction of Nitro Organics under Visible Light Irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 8251-8261. (IF: 4.835) (总引用35)

30.  Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Graphene Oxide as a Surfactant and Support for In-Situ Synthesis of Au-Pd Nanoalloys with Improved Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118, 5299-5308. (IF: 4.835) (总引用7)

31.  Bo Weng, Jing Wu, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Observing the Role of Graphene on Boosting the Two-Electron Reduction of Oxygen in Graphene–WO3 Nanorods Photocatalysts, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 5574-5584. (IF: 4.384) (总引用1)

32.  Zhang Chen, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Synthesis of Graphene-ZnO Nanorod Nanocomposites with Improved Photoactivity and Anti-Photocorrosion, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3022-3030. (IF: 3.858) (总引用52)

33.  Min-Quan Yang, Xiaoyang Pan, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Facile One-Step Way to Anchor Noble Metal (Au, Ag, Pd) Nanoparticles on a Reduced Graphene Oxide Mat with Catalytic Activity for Selective Reduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 6819-6828. (IF: 3.858) (总引用14)

34.  Xiaoyang Pan, Nan Zhang, Xianzhi Fu, Yi-Jun Xu*, Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol over TiO2 Nanosheets with Exposed {001} Facets: Catalyst Deactivation and Regeneration, Appl. Catal., A, 2013, 453, 181-187. (IF: 3.674) (总引用19)

35.  Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Zi-Rong Tang, Yi-Jun Xu*, A Unique Silk Mat-Like Structured Pd/CeO2 as an Efficient Visible Light Photocatalyst for Green Organic Transformation in Water, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2013, 1, 1258-1266. (总引用6)

36.  Siqi Liu, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Core–Shell Structured Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Selective Organic Transformations, Part. Part. Syst. Char., 2014, 31, 540-556. (IF: 0.537)

37.  Siqi Liu, Min-Quan Yang, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu*, Nanocomposites of Graphene-CdS as Photoactive and Reusable Catalysts for Visible-Light-Induced Selective Reduction Process, J. Energy. Chem., 2014, 23, 145-155. (IF: 1.788)

38.  Zi-Rong Tang*, Xia Yin, Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zhang, Yi-Jun Xu, Inhibiting Pd Nanoparticle Aggregation and Improving Catalytic Performance Using One-Dimensional CeO2 Nanotubes as Support, Chin. J. Catal., 2013, 34, 1123-1127. (IF: 1.552)